Great War Theatre

Performances at this Theatre

Date Script Type
1 Feb 1918 Peg in the Park Amateur
Read Narrative
‘On Friday evening a dramatic performance was given in the Recreation Hut [in Stanmore] by Miss Judith Wogan's company of "Wandering Players." Two one-act plays were presented, "A Maker of Dreams," by Oliphant Downy, and "Peg in the Park." The characters were admirably sustained by Miss Judith Wogan, Miss Norah Balfour, Mrs. Hooke, Corpl. V. Davies, and Mr. Wallace. During the interval musical monologues were given by Miss Balfour and Corpl. Davies. The patients thoroughly enjoyed the charming plays, which were quite an innovation, and heartily cheered Miss Wogan and her party at the close’. Harrow Observer, Friday 8 February 1918.