Great War Theatre

Performances at this Theatre

Date Script Type
19 Oct 1923 The Shewing up of Blanco Posnet Amateur
Read Narrative
‘Students from the Guildhall School of Music took part last summer in the competition for the Challenge Shield, presented by the Critics’ Circle, in which the final round was won by the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art as against Lady Benson’s School. Nothing daunted by the defeat of the G.S.M., however, the all-supervising Principal, Sir Landon Ronald, and the stage manager and producer, Mr L. Cairns James, arranged for a public performance of the triple bill which their students and those from other Schools had presented, and this took place, with quite satisfactory results, in the commodious theatre of the Guildhall School of Music, on October 19. The items of the bill were given in the same order as during the summer … In the Shaw piece, with preparations for Blanc’s execution realistically shown, Mr Walter Chiesman made a great deal of the stump sermon with much-discussed blasphemy and all, delivered by the supposed horse-thief, whose brother, Elder Daniels, the Woman, with baby, whom Posnet saves, the shameless Feemy, the Sheriff, the Strapper, Waggoner Joe, and so on, were ably represented by Mr. Turner, Miss Robina. Whitefield, Miss Gwendolen Bruce Millar, Messrs. Dunn, Hamel-Smith, and George Mercer. Hence, the G.S.M. students are to be congratulated upon their work’. The Stage, 25 October 1923.