Great War Theatre

Performances at this Theatre

Date Script Type
N/A All The Nice Girls Unknown
N/A Rainbow Island Unknown
7 Oct 1918 Carry On Professional
Read Narrative
‘A subject that has always been prominently before the public is the German Spy menace, and through the enterprise of Mr Harry Leaton, the well known Scottish variety agent, there is to be presented at the King’s Theatre, on Monday first [sic], a thrilling four act play dealing with the spy peril, entitled “Carry On.” It is from the pen of another well-known gentleman in the Theatrical world, namely, Mr G. Gordon Jefferson, late manager of the Coliseum Theatre, Glasgow. The plot centres round the machinations of two enemy spies, who get into this country in the guise of American tourists, and endeavour to steal a powerful new type of British aeroplane, but their designs eventually are cleverly frustrated. As regards effects, nothing has been left undone to make “Carry On” one of the most realistically staged plays ever presented to the public. One scene depicts a fight in the air between two aeroplanes. This alone is warranted to provide a series of thrills in the space of a few minutes, that would satisfy the most exacting in the matter of sensations. This is no make believe affair, but an actual combat between two genuine aeroplanes. Then there is the special wireless installation, where more exciting moments are provided. A specially selected company of London West-End artistes has been engaged, and Kilmarnock theatre-goers can rely upon witnessing one of the most thrilling and soul-stirring plays that has ever been presented in the town’. Kilmarnock Herald and North Ayrshire Gazette, 4 October 1918, in terms used also by other newspapers and clearly provided by the touring company.