Great War Theatre

Examiner of Plays' Summary:

This is a revue, the feeble action of which opens in a toilet saloon, where a comic assistant, in the absence of a proprietor, plays all sorts of tricks upon the disgusted customer. On the proprietor’s return he announces that he has come into a fortune, and in celebration of the happy event invites his assistants, male and female, to accompany him on a holiday to Somerset. This they do, and enjoy on the way a pantomime burlesque of the troubles of railway traveling nowadays. In Somerset the usual villager’s chorus is followed by the burlesque love-making of the comic assistant and by the engagement of the proprietor of the saloon to its leading lady-assistant. Harmless nonsense; but the omitted words of the ditties must be forwarded for consideration. Recommended for license. Ernest A. Bendall. Songs now forwarded and approved. EAB 20 Aug.

Licensed On: 22 Aug 1917

License Number: 1114




British Library Reference: LCP1917/17

British Library Classmark: Add MS 66172 N


Date Theatre Type
27 Aug 1917 Hippodrome, Llanelly Unknown Licensed Performance