Great War Theatre

Examiner of Plays' Summary:

This melodrama touches the lowest depths of fatuity. The Vicar has committe forgery in his youth. When the villain turns up and threatens to expose him unless he gives him, the villain, his daughter in marriage (whom the villain has never seen before) he promptly breaks off her engagement with the hero, though he knows the villain is wanted by the police and cannot appear. After this the villain shoots the vicar and blinds the daughter, but because he tells the police the hero did it, the latter runs away and hides. And then the daughter is lured into the villain's den, but of course before anything untoward can happen everyone else rushes on and the villain is killed and the hero reunited with the heroine, whose sight is restored by a thunderstorm. Certain comic characters help to forward this imbecilic plot. There are precedents for vicars having gone wrong in the past and anyhow I cannot imagine more than one audience assisting at this unspeakable twaddle [...]

Licensed On: 17 May 1916

License Number: 249




British Library Reference: LCP1916/12

British Library Classmark: Add MS 66133 C


Date Theatre Type
N/A Grand, Brighton Unknown Licensed Performance